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Growing Brant Christian

Hello Parents;

Thank you to everyone who was able to be in attendance for our AGM on Thursday night. I think that was the quickest AGM in the history of Brant Christian. The main focus of the evening was allowing the society board a larger amount of cash to look for and secure a piece of land for the future building of a new school. It will be exciting to see what our board comes back with in the next few months. As always, we are grateful the our board members and for their service in keeping our school moving ahead.

Final exams for our high school students continue this week. Although very few diploma exams have been written, there have been class finals going on. Exam time always creates a little chaos with our regular class schedule.  As of Monday, Feb. 1 we will be back on track with our regular classes as we begin our second semester.

On Friday, we wrapped up a carry-over activity from Christmas; the students were able to celebrate our Secret Santa event! Although the gifts are never lavish, it does create a lot of fun for the students. Having the students back in school and not working from home is also exciting for us as staff; teaching in person is always more interesting than online.

Although we are in January and next year is a long ways off, we are still focusing on getting more students at Brant. New students do not have to wait until September to start here. We have a continuous intake at our school and are always willing to take in new students if we believe it would benefit the student. Our parents have always been our best recruiters and promoters. If you know of a family who is thinking of having their child(ren) change schools, please have them contact me. I am sure we would be able to help them out. If every family at Brant Christian could invite one new student to Brant, that would increase our enrolment by 70 students. I think that is amazing. Just one student for each family. I encourage everyone to talk openly to their friends about the benefits of having children at a Christian school.

Our skating rink has seen a tremendous increase in its use this year. To allow for greater access to our rink, we have installed an outdoor light that is on a timer. As of now, the rink will be open from 5:30 - 9:30 PM every night of the week. We hope this will allow more families to take advantage of this outdoor opportunity.

Please keep our board members in prayer as they look for land to build a new school. We are grateful to God for the health we have enjoyed so far this year and ask that we would continue to be virus free. Thank you to parents for the care and protection that you give your children. It goes a long way in keeping our school safe.

Thank you,


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