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Happy Father's Day!

Hello to all our Brant families! It is hard to believe we have already finished half of June! There is much we can be grateful for as we look back on what has taken place over the year, as we anticipate the summer to come. As we finished this week, we held Fun-Shirt-Friday, inspired by our high school boys and their crazy shirts. It was great to see all the fun shirts students wore today.


  • Library books were due back this week. If you still have any at home, please send them in by Monday

  • During exam week students are required to be at the school in the morning for their exam which runs from 9-11, but may leave after the exam period is done. Parents do not need to report an absence if their student goes home in the afternoon. We only ask that:

    • Students  sign out so that we know who is left at the school after exams have been completed   

    • We require parents to give us 24 hour notice if their student is riding with another student home during exam week

  • Field trip buses are leaving from the Full Gospel at 9:15 and Aldersyde at 9:30 on
    June 21st. They will return to those locations at 3:15 and 3:30 (approximately)

  • Our last day is going to be held at High River Baptist Church on June 27th from 9 to 12

    • Please come out to see our report card presentations, participate in some fun games and enjoy a hot dog with us

    • We will have a lost and found with all unclaimed items. Those things left behind will be taken to the Mission Thrift afterwards. 

    • Please fill out the form Mrs. Massey sent to let us know if you and your student will need hotdogs.

A note about high school options for the fall. We have recently learned that Mr. Mallach is retiring this spring. We want to celebrate him and wish him the best in this transition in his life, though we are saddened he won’t be part of our community in the fall. This means we will not have the trailers next year (there are no other Christian CTS teachers in Palliser) and cannot offer the options that use that trailer. Instead, we are planning to offer classes like Military History (15), Farm to Food, Business and are giving choir a class time so students can earn credits for it. This is in addition to our being able to offer Physics 30 in person this fall for those students who took Physics 20 this spring. With the growth in the high school population it is our deep desire to offer as many possibilities for our students whether on campus, through PBB or the dual-credit and RAP programs that we can.

Our board is interested in the feedback families of the students who went on the missions trip to Vancouver have for them. Please fill out this survey to help us understand what steps we can take for our next mission trip in 2 years time. Our goal is to go to Bamfield Marine Station next April, and then do the mission experience in 2024-25. Watch for details as they become available.

To all the fathers in our community, we wish you a weekend where you are cherished and celebrated. We know all the quiet things you do to support and lead your families. God bless you all for the work you have done. And may you all know Christ’s peace this weekend. Amen.

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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