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Happy New Year

Hello Parents;

I trust that the two week break was enjoyable for your children. We are looking forward to seeing them at school tomorrow. This year our Monday morning assemblies have focused on the various names of God. Tomorrow we take a look at the significance of God's name, El Shaddai. Make sure and ask your children, when they get home tomorrow afternoon, what El Shaddai means.

This week is the start of our basketball season. Boys in grade 7/8 and some of our grade 6 boys will start practice on Tuesday. They will be coached by Grant Massey and his son Jarod. On Wednesday, girls in our junior high category will begin their practices. They will be coached by one of our high school students, Nash Leggot and will be assisted by a parent, Jennifer Pavier. Both teams will have a teacher associated with them for when they travel.

Our students will find that the playground is filled with snow. The storms that came in over Christmas and New Years have changed the dynamics of our playground. There will be lots for the students to explore. Make sure your children come to school completely prepared to be outside in deep snow.

January marks the end of the first semester for students in grades 9 - 12. Final exams will begin later in the month with grade 12 students writing Provincial Exams and grade 9 students writing Provincial Achievement Tests. I know that this can be a very anxious time for students even though they are well prepared.

As staff at BCS, we wish you all the best in 2017 and we look forward to teaching your children and working closely with you to ensure the success of your sons and daughters.

Kevin Bailey

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