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Happy Thanksgiving

Hello Parents;

Six weeks have already passed to mark the beginning of this school year and as we take time to reflect and give thanks, there is a great deal to be thankful for. Thanksgiving has always been a special time for me. It gives reason to get together with family, to celebrate the end of summer and to prepare for winter and the beauty that it brings. Living in a country that has four distinct seasons forces us to reflect and prepare as each one comes and goes. Rather than let time slip past, each season with it's changes, calls us to examine where we have been, where we are going and how do we plan to make the best of it. We are all aware of the problems that can occur if we fail to plan for winter. This season can come upon us quickly and cause havoc in our lives. Those who are ready can handle the adversity and move past the unforeseen problems with greater ease than those who are caught up with living in the past memories of summer. And in many ways,we live our lives this. As Christians, we are called to be ready, to watch for signs of changing times and to be prepared to handles difficulties that may come by being wise in the decisions that we make and by placing our trust in our Lord. So as you take time this weekend to enjoy the company of family and friends and to enjoy the food that is so abundant in our country, reflect upon the changing seasons in our lives. Are we preparing for the season that lies ahead or are we caught enjoying the time that has come and is now quickly passing? Don't be caught unprepared, change is coming and we all need to be ready. Each season brings hardships and blessings, prepare for the hardships and celebrate the blessings and take time to truly celebrate the blessing of this Thanksgiving.

Kevin Bailey

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