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January Calendar Attached

Hello Families of Brant,

It is the third week of Advent season and we are moving ever closer to Christmas. 

Christmas Play 
This year’s Christmas play called “Arrest These Merry Gentlemen” took place on Dec. 7th. What a wonderful job all the K-6 students did acting and singing the arrival of the Greatest News of all time! A special congratulations goes to Mrs. Nauta, Miss Wolfe and Mrs. Campbell for all their hard work and encouragement in bringing this tremendous play together. 

Christmas Concert 
Just a reminder that this year’s junior and senior high school band Christmas Concert will be held at the Okotoks Alliance Church at 7:00 pm tomorrow,  December 14. Please have your band, choir or strings students to the church by 6:15 pm. Come one, come all to hear our talented musicians led by Mr. Tim Korthuis and Mrs. Karen Dees. 

Secret Santa 
Each year we have a Secret Santa event where students dress in their best Christmas pyjamas and share a wrapped gift of between $5 and $10 with their “Secret Santa”. Grade 7 -12 gifts will go to the senior high portable off of the office and elementary students will give their gifts to their teachers.
**Please note that Secret Santa Gifts need to be at the school by Thursday, Dec. 14th. 

Prayer Team at BCS
"Regarding a Prayer Team at BCS - After some discussion and back-and-forth with teachers, PEG meeting, etc, we have decided to try two things:  There will be a time of prayer for BCS following each month's PEG meeting (no meeting in December) and there will be a bi-weekly prayer email sent out with prayer requests and answered prayer reports.  We invite you to be part of the prayer time at PEG!  Also, if you would like to be on the prayer email list, please email and you will be added.  Please reach out to other Brant families and let them know about this opportunity!"

Christmas Banquet (Grade 10-12s)
All Brant students Grade 10-12 are invited to a Christmas banquet on Thursday, December 21 at the High River Alliance Church starting at 6:30 pm with the doors opening at 6:00 pm. This banquet is semi-formal, so get dressed up and enjoy a good time hanging out with friends, eating great food and playing some not-so-serious Christmas games. Admission is free, but we ask students to bring a gift for the gift exchange ($10 - 15). If your son or daughter has not yet signed up for the banquet, they can do so by clicking on the following link:

Write-On Bulletin Board 
"Parents, want to brag on encourage your kids?  We have a way to do that!  We have a "Write On" bulletin board at school in the main hallway where our student's achievements can be posted and celebrated!  Simply send a note with an article or photo to Cathy Massey,,  who will print it and post it on the board. Simple as that!"

Hot Lunch
Just a reminder that hot lunches take place every Thursday.  Hot lunches rotate between hot dogs, taco in a bag, pizza, hamburgers and pulled pork sandwiches.  Orders will open for January, tomorrow (Dec. 14th) and close on Monday, January 8, 2024. Please go to to place your child(ren)’s order.

Volunteer Opportunities
Although we’ve had so many parents step up to help out already, there is still room for parents to volunteer.  Use the link below to sign up for volunteer opportunities:  Thanks so much for all the volunteers who contribute in so many ways. 

January Calendar of Events
HERE, you’ll find a calendar of events for January to get you prepared for a “Brant” New Year! Grade 10-12 parents, please pay special attention to page 2 for the list of upcoming final exams and diploma exams for courses completed at the end of Semester 1.

Finally, feel free to reach out to me should you have any ideas or concerns, or just want to chat. 
May God bless you as you seek to do His will, 

Mr. Shain Chisholm, Principal

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