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Junior high volleyball

A very late reminder that tomorrow (Thursday) is picture day. Hopefully this does not come as a shock to any parent or student.

On Tuesday after school our junior high volleyball team travelled to Arrowwood for their first match of the season. They played very well and came away winning 3 out of 5 matches. Team members will be named in my next blog and this is being written from home and I do not trust my memory. More games will be played throughout October. Keep watching this blog for future updates.

Tomorrow our senior high students are on a field trip to the corn maze located east of Calgary. We will leave the school at noon and will be dropping off students in their home towns on our way back.

Attention all volunteer drivers. We are asking you let to Cathy Massey know if you will be acting as a driver sometime this school year. If so, you will need to get a criminal record check. We are in the process of obtaining a passcode that would allow you to pick up a CRC for free. You will still have to go to your local RCMP station in person, but there will be no charge. We will notify all parents who contact Cathy once we have the pass code in our possession. Thank you for your help in this area.

Our students in grades 2 - 7 have starting writing their Fountas and Pinnell tests this week. This test measuring their reading and comprehension levels and helps the teacher identify how best to assist students. Our grade 3 students have started their Student Learning Assessment. This test replaces what used to be the PAT tests that were written at the end of grade 3. A very busy you can see.

We meet each morning as a staff for devotions and to pray for our students and parents. We are blessed to work in such a vibrant Christian environment. If you ever have prayer requests, please share them with us so that we may join you as we lift our requests to our heavenly Father.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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