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Kindergarten Open House

Hello Parents;

This Wednesday, March 8, we will be hosting an open house for parents who will have children old enough to attend kindergarten by September 2017. The open house will run from 1:00 - 3:30. Please use this as an opportunity to invite your friends. A personal invitation is still the best way for us to grow. Your recommendation of our school has a big influence on people who are considering Brant Christian as a school for their children.

Parent/Teacher interviews for the second term will take place this Wednesday and Thursday from 4:00 - 8:00 PM each night. Please make sure to contact the school and book your times with Cathy. I would encourage all parents to come out and use this time to touch base with the teachers. We are in a partnership with you and it is important to have face to face communication once in a while.

Hanging baskets will go on sale by the end of this week. High school students will be selling these plants to help pay for their trip to the Bamfield Marine Biology station while our grade 8 students will be fund raising for next year's high school mission trip to Tijuana, Mexico. Our hanging baskets come from a green house in Oyen and the plants are huge, much larger than what you might find in a store. Orders have to be in by April 13 with the plants arriving in late May.

Our final basketball game of the season for our junior high teams will take place on Monday. The boys will be hosting Trinity Lutheran Christian School from Strathmore while our girls will be hosted by this same school. Thank you to all the parents who drove our athletes home from practice or to and from our games. Without your help we would not have been able to have a basketball season. The next sport is badminton and we will start practicing next week. More details will be coming out shortly.

Continue to keep our school in your prayers and do not forget our board members who volunteer a lot of their time to make sure our school is running well and that we are holding true to Biblical truth. Your prayers for them and a word of encouragement can be a tremendous thank you.

Kevin Bailey

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