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March Happenings

Hello Parents;

It has been a while since I have posted information on this site and I wanted to update you on some of the events for the month of March. This coming week is report card time. The term 2 reports will be sent home on Monday. Parent/Teacher evenings are Wednesday and Thursday (March 9, 10) Please contact Cathy to book a time to meet with the teacher(s) of your children.

March of course means that it is time to re-register your children for next year. Registration forms will be sent home this month. I am excited about next year. We have had an increased number of calls lately with people inquiring about Brant. We held an open house on Feb. 23 and even though we had to cancel our skating party, I still met 10 perspective new students that evening. We held open houses in High River and Okotoks last week for our pre-school programs and our Kindergarten class. I am looking forward to a good size kindergarten class next Fall.

On Thursday morning, March 3, our society board hosted a breakfast for the High River Ministerial Association. This is an opportunity to keep the local pastor's informed about what is taking place at Brant and how we can work together. We will be hosting a similar breakfast this Thursday, March 10, at the E. Free Church in Okotoks. We are in need of help to prepare the breakfast. If you are pretty handy around a grill please give me a call at school. I would appreciate your help.

I will be hosting an evening meeting for parents of students in grades 7/8  next week. Once I have a location confirmed I will send out a formal invite to all parents at this grade level. We have had some positive changes take place this year in grade 9 and we want the parents to be aware of the enhancements and to also understand how our high school works, what we offer and the benefits of staying at Brant for high school.

Our next fund raising event will be the selling of hanging baskets. Order forms will be going home with students this week. The plants will come in later in May. This opportunity is open to students in grades 8 - 12. More details will be forth coming.

With regards to sports, Brant has been busy with basketball and curling. Both teams have been experiencing success lately. Thank you to Mr. Booker for coaching basketball and to Miss Wolfe and Mr. Doerksen for starting up a curling program. We are hoping to be active participants in badminton and track and field which will be starting shortly.

I hope to see many of you at the parent/teacher meetings this week. Continue to keep our school in your prayers as we continue to growth and strengthen our school. A Christian school is an amazing blessing and we cannot take it for granted.

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