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Merry Christmas

Hello Parents;

Thank you to all the parents and guests who were able to attend our Christmas school play on Thursday, December 15. It was good to see the gym so full. Congratulations to Mrs. Anderson and her cast for a job very well done and to Mrs. Brunning and our worship band. It was a very enjoyable evening and it was good that so many could stay around and socialize after the event. We did discover that the Brant brand of hot apple cider is very popular and will be back next year.

For this coming week we have two special events. On Wednesday afternoon we will have our Christmas chapel. It will start at 2:15 and is open to everyone. Our last day of school before the Christmas break will be Thursday, December 22. The morning will be classes as usual and the afternoon will be given over to special class events culminating with the distribution of the secret Santa gifts. A reminder, if your son/daughter will not be at school on Thursday to please bring their gift to school on their last day so that all students will receive a gift.

Our skating rink is up and running and will be maintained over the holidays. As a school family you are welcome to make use of the rink anytime for a skating party. We are in need of two sturdy hockey nets. If you know of anyone who has nets and would like to donate them to the school, it would be greatly appreciated.

School will resume on Monday, January 9. I trust that you will have a blessed Christmas and a safe, restful holiday. Our prayer is for God's continued blessing on your family and to bring each of our students back safely.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year;

Kevin Bailey

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