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Merry Christmas

Hello Parents;

Thank you will be the key phrase of this post. On Thursday evening we held our Christmas concert/play at school and I was amazed at the number of people who attended. Each year we keep adding more chairs to our gymnasium and each year they keep getting filled. Thank you to everyone who came out to make the concert/play such a special evening. Christmas is such wonderful time to come together and share conversation with each other. A big thank you goes out to Miss Wolfe and all the work she puts into the Christmas play. The rehearsal time takes up her lunch period for several weeks leading up to the play. She arranges the set herself and dedicates much of her free time to making the play successful. Thank you to Mrs. Dyck's music classes for the excellent singing. Mrs. Dyck teaches our music classes for students in grade 1 - 4. Mr. Kroeker and Mr. Doerksen receive a thank you for the work they do with the sound and lighting. Prior to the concert/play we had asked if parents would bring some Christmas baking. Thank you to all the parents who brought goodies. We had more than enough to feed the hungry students and parents. The last thank you goes to all the parents who purchased items in the auction that followed the play and who purchased items from the bake sale. All the proceeds goes toward this year's graduation. On behalf of our grade 12 students, thank you for your support.

The last week of classes leading up to the Christmas break is always an exciting one. We will meet each morning in the gym to sing Christmas carols and light our advent wreath. The week will wrap up on Thursday afternoon with a school wide gift exchange and individual class parties. At the end of the day we will assemble in the gym one more time to light the Christ candle in the advent wreath and worship the gift that God sent to us 2000 years ago.

As a staff, we want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas. Our prayer is that Christmas will be a blessed one, filled with joy, peace and safety as you travel. Enjoy your time with family and  friends. We will see the students again on Monday, January 8, 2018.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Kevin Bailey

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