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Merry Christmas

Hello Parents;

This will be the last blog post until we start back in January. If you were not able to attend the school play, "A Christmas Carol" on Thursday evening, you missed an excellent performance by our students. Congratulations to the cast and crew of the production and a special acknowledgement to Miss Wolfe who put so much work into the play. Aside from directing the play, Miss Wolfe was responsible for costumes and stage props. Thank you for your dedication to the Brant students.

Our last week of school prior to the Christmas break is actually a relief. The Christmas performances are complete, special meetings are over and we can now focus on getting back to our normal routine. Thursday of this week will be special. There will be classes as normal in the morning but the afternoon is given over to class celebrations. The skating rink is open and fully functioning, so many students will be taking advantage of this. The school is in need of hockey skates. If you have a pair of skates laying around your house, we would appreciate the donation. Some of our students do not have their own skates but would love to learn to skate.

It was exciting to see two of our four additional portables arrive on Tuesday. The extra classrooms will be ready for the September start of 2020 as we are anticipating continued growth in student numbers and we are presently full with the number of classrooms that we presently have. Thank you to our society board for their boldness and faith in the future of Brant Christian School.

Each morning of this week, the entire student body will be gathering in the gym for 15 minutes to sing Christmas carols and songs. Everyone is welcome to join us in the singing. Tomorrow we light the 3rd candle of our advent wreath, the candle represents joy. The 4th candle we will light on Thursday morning and the Christ candle will be lit on Thursday afternoon as we close our school for the Christmas break. If you pick up your children after school, please join us in the gym at 3:15 for the closing of school. We have a special performance scheduled to help us celebrate the Christmas season.

We are thankful for those people who have donated financially to our high school goal of raising $20,000 to build two homes in Mexico. We are close to reaching our goal. If you are able to help our students, your donations would be greatly appreciated.

On behalf of the staff at Brant Christian, we wish everyone a very blessed Christmas, safety in your travels and a Happy New Year. We will see you in 2020, the start of a new decade!

Kevin Bailey

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