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Merry Christmas

Hello Parents;

Last week I shared with you the accident that Kyle Nash was involved in and asked for prayer for him. My hope at that time was that Kyle would recover from his injuries and be with us for many more years. Unfortunately Kyle died from his fall and left earth to join his heavenly father. We mourn his passing. His life was well lived. He brought joy to everyone who met him. Our prayers now turn to the Nash family and for the pain that they feel having lost a son and a brother. We know their faith is strong and that Kyle was a gift from God, we had hoped that the gift could have stayed with us longer. We rejoice knowing that Kyle is in heaven but deeply mourn his passing. Thank you to everyone who prayed and who have reached out to Kyle's family. He will not be forgotten.

We wrapped up our final day of school on December 17 and was able to squeeze in a few small class parties to add excitement to the season. As discouraged as we are with the restrictions that have been placed on all schools, we are extremely grateful that our students and staff have avoided the virus that has caused so much disruption to our lives. We thank God for his blessing and look forward to 2021 and a slow return to a more normal way of life. Thank you to everyone for their ongoing support of Brant Christian. We know that you are praying for us and we ask to you would continue to be diligent in your support.

Teachers will be back at school on January 4 and students will be expected to continue with their online learning at that time. All students will return to their classes on January 11. We are looking forward to having our junior and senior high students back with us at that time.

On behalf of all the staff at Brant Christian School, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very healthy 2021.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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