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New land for Brant Christian

Hello Parents;

A quick summary of last week and an outline of what is coming up this week. Last Wednesday's concert by Joal Kamps was a great way to help start this year. It was well attended and a very enjoyable event. Joal and his wife Lauren have a very unique ministry and refer to themselves as muscianaries. If you were not able to attend please go and listen to Joal the next time he has a concert.

On Friday the entire school did a joint field trip to the Calgary Corn Maze. The weather was beautiful and the students and staff had a fun day out in the sun. It is rare that we can find an activity that allows K through 12 to have a good time. If you have never been to the corn maze, it is a great family activity. This year the corn was just over 8 feet high making for a very interesting maze to find your way through.

The MD of Foothills is holding an open house meeting Monday, Sept. 19 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM to present the parcel of land that is being proposed as the future site of our school. It is west of highway 2A on the Tongue Creek Road. If you are available on Monday evening, drop by the town office of High River and see what our future school site could look like. This is very exciting news and an answer to prayer.

If you have a son/daughter in grade 9 - 12 there is a parent meeting this Thursday, Sept. 22 at 7:00 PM in the Full Gospel Church in High River to discuss this year's school trip to Vancouver Island. While on the island we will be staying at the Marine Biology Station for the first 4.5 days and in Courtney for 2 days to do some skiing. The meeting will be short but it is important that parents attend if your child is planning on participating in the trip.

On Monday, students in grade 3 - 8 will be participating in a cross-country run at Southern Alberta Bible Camp. We will be travelling by bus and there is still room for more parents if any of you would like to join us. The bus will leave by 8:40 AM and return by 3:30.

I hope to see many of you at the open house meeting on Monday night.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

Calgary Corn Maze Field Trip - Sept 16, 2016

What a beautiful day to spend together as an entire school!  The Calgary Corn Maze is an entertaining place for all ages! 

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