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New school Design Meeting

Hello Parents;

Reading the title of the blog for this week gets me excited. There is a meeting at the High River Alliance Church on Thursday, Jan. 24 starting at 7:30 to be discuss what we want in our new school. Our chosen contractor, Eagle Builders, will be there to explain what some options are and how the design meeting works. Once we have a design chosen, we will then have a better understanding of what the cost will be and also get some drawings in place of our new school. Please understand that the design will not occur from this one meeting.  This is a very exciting time and I hope that I will see many of you at the meeting.

Our goal of raising money for a class set of ukuleles for our elementary students has almost been achieved. Thank you to all the parents who donated towards this project. We appreciate your generousity. I am sure that Mrs. Nauta will get the new found talents of our students showcased as soon as possible.

Our slogan of Brant 140 and the plan to implement it is well underway. Our goal for next year is to have a student population of no less that 140 students. Parents are being approached about doing a presentation in their church on the value of Christian education and the quality that Brant Christian provides for students, spiritually, academically and physically. We will also be creating a new video showcasing the unique nature of Brant and a new brochure is being written so that new parents will have a better understanding of what Brant offers. The church presentations will take place in March. The Brant Christian School open house will take place later in March.

This coming Friday is a school day for Brant Christian and students will be encouraged to wear plaid in honour of Robbie Burns day. There will unfortunately be no haggis. There will be some special activities planned for late that afternoon. With Friday being a school day, we will start with our students being in their family groups and devotions being led by their family leaders. Parents you are always welcome to come and see how Fridays start at Brant.

The government is sending out a questionnaire called an Accountability Pillar. Some of you may have already received this. A member of the Brant board will be contacting you and encouraging you to complete the survey. It is important that the government understand that our school is strongly supported by the parents.

Please continue to pray for our school. And thank you to the parents who serve us by being on the board.

Kevin Bailey  

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