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new school update

Hello Parents;

Thank you to everyone who came out the our combination meeting of board society and spring concert. In the society meeting our board presented the parents with a new option for our school. Due to provincial regulations, accepting the land being offered to Brant Christian School could cause some difficulties down the road. It was deemed prudent to look at a second option should our primary direction of moving the school to the Tongue Creek location not work out. After listening to the board present their case, the parents gave the society board permission to pursue a second option for re-locating our school. We continue to pray for God's leading and direction in all of this and are grateful to our society board and parents for the work they are doing in securing property for a new school.

Once the meeting was over, parents had to hurry in to the sanctuary of the church to listen to our students perform either vocally or instrumentally. The concert was a great performance and having such a large crowd to perform in front of, made it more special. Thank you to Rachel Nauta and the hours of volunteer work she puts into our K - 4 music program. She has been a great addition to the staff at Brant Christian. Tim Korthuis and his choir did a splendid job with their song selection and Mr. Rodgers and the two bands that he conducts for us, performed very well. And of course, congratulations to all of our students who performed.

Track and Field continues to dominate our time in the area of athletics. Two of our high school students, Owen Lugowski and Ben Nauta qualified to move on to the provincial level. There are 8 junior high athletes heading to Medicine Hat this Tuesday to participate in the south zone track meet. And on Wednesday, all of our students in grades 1 - 6 will be travelling to Vulcan for a local meet.

Upcoming events include our annual golf tournament on Saturday, June 8 and on Friday, June 14 we say goodbye to another grade 12 class as we celebrate their graduation at the High River Baptist Church. The grad ceremony is open to the public and starts at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary of the church. Please keep Thursday, June 27 open as we celebrate the close of this school year with our grade promotion event and family barbeque. The ceremony will get underway at 10:00, bbq at 11:30 and students can go home with parents at 1:00. We hope to see everyone there.

Continue to keep Mrs. Blake in your prayers as she is making progress in recovering from her concussion symptoms. It has been a long slow process for her and your support is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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