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Oct 19 Update

Hello Families of Brant,

Hope you are enjoying the beautiful fall day that is Thursday, October 19.

Theme Day
We had such a fun day with all the homerooms dressed in their favourite themes.  The Grade 1-2s won the Grade 1-6 categories while the Grade 10s won for the junior/senior highs.

Hot Lunch
Just a reminder that hot lunches take place every Thursday.  Hot lunches rotate between hot dogs, taco in a bag, pizza, hamburgers, pulled pork and Subway sandwiches.  If you wish to order hot lunch, please order through 

Creation Ministries 
Creation Ministries are coming to Brant on Friday, Nov 17th.  There will be three separate age-specific presentations with Grades 1-4 at 9:15, Grades 5-8 at 10:15 and Grades 9-12 at 12:30.  Parents and community members are invited to attend.   

Apple Fundraiser
Thank you to everyone who donated and collected donations for the Apple Fundraiser. Congratulations to Tiana Friesen for the highest individual fundraising total and for the Grade 1-2 class for the most raised by class.  Tiana won some coveted Brant swag while the Grade 1-2s gobbled down pizza as their reward. 

Free and Free (Grade 5 and 6s)  
The High River Rec Centre (Snodgrass) is offering a free yearly pass for Grade 5s and individual free passes for Grade 6s. Be sure to drop by the rec centre and get your FREE pass (Grade 5s) and FREE individual passes (Grade 6s).

While our Girls Triple Ball team gets set to begin their season today, our girls and boys senior teams are off to Pincher Creek tomorrow and Saturday to play in a tournament (Oct. 20, 21).  All of our junior and senior times will be competing over the next two weeks in league playoffs.  Come out and cheer on our Eagles!!!

Just a reminder to bring in donations items for the auction.  If you don’t have an item to give, feel free to ask one of the local retailers or businesses you frequent to donate. Businesses are often very generous in their support of Brant Christian. 

Also, if you have grade 7 -12 students in your household who are free on the day of the auction (Sat. Nov. 4), encourage them to volunteer either as babysitters or at the auction itself.  Sign up HERE.

Volunteer Opportunities
Although we’ve had so many parents step up to help out already, there is still room for parents to volunteer.  Use the link below to sign up for volunteer opportunities:  Thanks so much for all the volunteers who contribute in so many ways. 

Class Photos from Lifetouch
Lifetouch has changed their policy for class photos.  This year, anyone who purchases an individual school photo package that includes a class photo will NOT have to pay any extra for a class group photo.  Families who do not wish to order an individual photo package but would like a class photo, will not have to purchase a class group photo for $9.99.  Full information on how to buy the class group photo individually will be available on proof sheets which will come home from school once delivered and online at


Finally, feel free to reach out to me should you have any ideas or concerns, or just want to chat. 
May God bless you as you seek to do His will, 

Mr. Shain Chisholm, Principal

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