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October rush

Hello Parents;

I trust that the extra days off for the students went well for your family. Our teacher's convention in Calgary was very successful with close to 900 teachers from Western Canada in attendance. Our keynote speaker was from Chicago and was very gifted in his ability to deliver 3 timely messages to us. I was able to attend 3 different workshops. One of them ties in very well with the curriculum that I am covering with the grade 11/12 Bible class. I will be discussing the topic of four loves with our senior students tomorrow in class. If you have a son/daughter in this class be sure to quiz them tomorrow night at supper.

We had hoped to have our new lockers installed in the elem./junior high wing over the break. Finding someone to do the install is proving difficult. If any parents know of someone who is capable of doing this please let me know. We were able to install lockers in the grade 9 portable and new whiteboards.

On Monday night our senior high boys volleyball team will be playing Highwood High School in volleyball. The match will take place at the Crescent Point Field House in Aldersyde at 5:00. On Thursday our senior high girls will travel to Claresholm to play against their high school team.

On Friday of this week many of our students in grades 7 - 12 will be leaving for Edmonton. They will visit the legislature, U of A, Science Museum and West Edmonton Mall. There are enough players left players left behind that we will have a boys high school team playing in a volleyball tournament at Immanuel Christian High School in Lethbridge on Friday and Saturday.

Wednesday of this week will be a chapel day for us. This week the chapel will take place in the morning starting at 9:15. Worship time will get underway at 10:15 and the high school devotion at 11:00. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The annual auction is almost here. Please purchase your tickets as quickly as possible by contacting the school. The auction will take place on Saturday, November 4. The Brant Christian School annual general meetingĀ  will take place on Nov. 16. It is very important that at least 1 parent from every family be in attendance. I know there will be exciting news to share with you at that time

Our high school students are still looking for opportunities to work to raise money for our mission trip in late January. We plan to build two houses while in Tijuana and will have to raise $22,500 to meet this goal. If you have work that our students could do in return for a donation towards the home, please contact the school and let us know.

Some dates to keep in mind for November. Auction the 4th, annual general meeting Nov. 16, report cards come out on Monday, Nov. 20. Parent teacher interviews will take place on Nov. 22, 23.

Thank you for your continuing prayer and support for our school

Kevin Bailey

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