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Official Opening

Hello Parents;

Each passing week brings with it more excitement. December is such a busy month for everyone and I can sense the excitement building as we get closer to Christmas. We continue to remind our students about the significance of this season and not to get caught up in the frenzy of shopping and buying things. It is our time to celebrate the most significant gift - Jesus Christ!

Monday is a PD day for teachers. This will be the last day for PD for a little while. Our next one will be on Friday, January 30. This coming Friday is another school family day and to celebrate we will be officially opening our skating rink. This will take place at 2:00 followed by a skating party for all students. If your schedule allows and you can come out that afternoon, we would love to have you.

This past Thursday our high school students spent the later part of the afternoon and evening at the Samaritan's Purse site in north east Calgary helping to pack shoeboxes. What a fantastic experience for our students to be involved in this operation. They will send out close to 400,000 shoeboxes this year from this site alone! After our shift we stopped in Eastside Mario's for supper and a time of celebration.

The school Christmas production is fast approaching, Dec. 11 is the big night. I hope to see all of you out at school that evening as we celebrate Christmas as a body of believers.

This Friday, Dec. 5, Brant will have their float in the High River Santa Clause parade. I hope to see you somewhere along the parade route. Make sure you get one of our candy canes!

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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