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Open House

Hello Parents;

This Wednesday, March 28, Brant Christian will be holding an open house for all who are interested in enrolling their children at our school for next year. It will run from 4:00 - 8:00 PM. We are in need of help from our parents to act as hosts. The duties are quite straightforward. You tour our visitors around the school and answer any questions they might have. We have brochures and registration packages available to be handed out. You can volunteer for an hour or two or all four. If you can help, please contact Cathy at school.

Over the last two weeks we have been focusing the attention of our students on the significance of Easter and why the cross is so important. We believe that it is vital for students to understand the sacrifice that was made and that our salvation is tied to this event and the resurrection of Christ. In reading one devotion, the author stated that Adam's sin and loss of righteousness left him naked before God while the sacrifice of Christ and his nakedness on the cross allowed us to gain backĀ  our righteousness before God. I trust that this Easter season will allow you to reflect on the death and resurrection of Christ.

In our chapel time last Wednesday we had several of our high school students speak about what the mission trip meant to them. I am pleasantly surprised what good speakers our students are. They are excellent communicators and were able to let the younger students know the value and blessing in serving other people. We have another chapel scheduled for this Wednesday with a start time of 10:15 for the joint worship. All are welcome to join us and I would encourage you to come out and visit.

Thank you to all parents who came out to last week's parent/teacher meetings. It is always good to sit down and talk about the educational progress of your children. We appreciate your commitment to our school and the devotion to your children.

Brant Christian will be closed from Friday, March 31 until Monday April 9 to celebrate Easter. If you are travelling, then we pray for your safety. If you are staying in the area, then we hope that you will enjoy the wonderful spring weather.

Christ is risen. He is risen indeed!

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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