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Ottawa and parades

Hello Parents;

This week we are looking ahead to two important events. On Saturday, May 18 is the Little Britches Parade in High River. Brant Christian School will be entering our "little school house" into the event. We will be asking older students to walk the parade route and hand out candy to the spectators while our younger students will get to ride inside the float and wave to the crowd. These are voluntary positions, if you would like your son/daughter to participate, please contact the school and let us know.

The upcoming weekend is the May long weekend. There will be no school on Monday, May 20 and there is a teacher's PD scheduled for Tuesday which means no school on that day either. On Monday, May 20, 21 of our students and their chaperones will be leaving for Ottawa to spend a week in our nation's capital. During this time students will be introduced to how our government operates, the number of different agencies that make the government function and how we as Christians can be more involved in the day to day decision making that goes on in Ottawa and the running of our country.

Track and Field competition gets underway on May 23 and there will be different levels of competition through until the first week of June.

We have two major fund raising events at Brant Christian School; in November we have our auction and in June we have a golf tournament. This year's golf tournament will take place on Saturday, June 8 at the Nanton Golf and Country Club. If would like to play or be a sponsor or both, please contact the school or check out our website.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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