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Parent/Teacher Meetings

Hello Parents;

What a fantastic day weather-wise. It is so good to feel the warmth of the sun after a very frigid February. Report cards come out tomorrow. (Monday) This report card covers the period of mid-November to early March. The parent-teacher meetings will be held on Wednesday and Thursday evening of this week from 4:00 - 8:00 PM. I trust that many of you have a booked an appointment to come and talk with the teachers who work with your children everyday.

Our annual open house is Thursday of next week, March 28. This will run from 1:00 - 8:00. We do need some help in a couple of areas; parents to act as host. some baked goods so we can feed our visitors and to continue to invite your friends to come and check out Brant Christian. If you would like to come out and show people around the school, please contact Cathy and let her know what hours you are available. If you are able to bring some baking out, please let Cathy know as well.

The building and the vision committees are still hard at work piecing together what our new school might look like. Our society board is planning to hold a meeting in April to update you with information on the progress of the new school. Please continue to pray for our board members and those parents who sit on the committees. It takes a lot of work and dedication to get all the details in place.

Last Wednesday the director of Camp Blue Bronna spoke to our students. As well as talking about the camp he runs, he brought a very well thoughtful message to our student-body. We appreciate Brent taking time out and come and share his ministry work with us and how his outdoor adventure camp is reaching young people for Jesus.

This week our school was highlighted at the Christian Reformed Church in High River and the Okotoks Alliance Church. Thank you to Chrissie Nauta and Francina VandeMey for talking to their respective congregations. We will continue to reach out to our local churches to see how we might work together more effectively to teach our young people about the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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