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Parent/Teacher Time

Hello Parents;

As the heading indicates this is the week of our first parent/teacher meetings. We encourage all parents to come out and take advantage of the time to talk with your child's teacher and find out how the first month has gone. The meetings get underway at 4:00 and we will wrap up by 8:00 PM.

Last Monday was our cross-country running meet. I was very pleased with the performances of our Brant athletes. We had several runners place in the top 3 positions for their division. I thought that each of our runners gave their best performance. We have two of our junior high runners moving on to a zone meet that will be held in Medicine Hat this Wednesday. Danica Pendree and Treyton Niemans will represent our school in an event that takes in runners from across southern Alberta.

Our field trips last Wednesday to Heads Smashed In and Atlas Coal Mine were both very successful. We are thankful for the safety in our travels. It was a beautiful day and thank you to all the parents who were able to come and be part of the fun.

The highlight of the week for me was the official opening of our band room and Science lab. These two rooms will add a great deal to our curriculum at Brant Christian. Thank you to our society board for allowing this expansion to move ahead. It was great to see as many parents out to join us and for the representation from the Palliser School Board. Thank you to all who helped in bringing treats to the event. The presence of all these goodies was a welcome refreshment at the end of the day.

We have set this coming Friday afternoon aside to get some painting done on the band room and Science lab. I would encourage any parent who has time to join us. Contact Cathy at school and let her know of you are able to come out. We will get underway at 12:00 and wrap up at 4:30 with pizza and pop. I will be inviting students from grades 7 - 12 to join us. It's looking like a great day weather-wise.

Brant Christian's senior high boys volleyball team will be playing their first game on Monday night against County Central High School in Vulcan. We are looking forward to our first opportunity to play as a team and to represent Brant in athletics.

As always parents, thank you for your ongoing support of Brant. Having your children at Brant is the best way that you can support our school. Thank you for your faithfulness.

Kevin Bailey

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