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Penny Carnival Success

Hello to all our Brant families!

We had a great week with lots going on. Whether it was the kindergarten field trip to High River, the Flower Fundraiser delivery, the Penny Carnival or just the work students were doing to finish up courses, there was a lot going on. 

It was a real pleasure to see so many of you at the Carnival today. This was a fun event and the students were excited to use their well deserved Brant bucks to play games and buy extra prizes.  It was especially wonderful to see how all the grades interacted, enjoying each other’s company while playing games and encouraging each other on. It is one of the things that truly makes Brant special.

A few reminders:

  • The Brant talent show is happening on Tuesday, May 30th.
  • Elementary track meet is happening on Wednesday, May 31st. If the forecast holds it will be a warm day, so make sure you send a water bottle and sunscreen. 

  • Our annual sports day is June 1st. Thank you to everyone who has already signed up to help. It promises to be a fun day and we can’t do it without all the community support that we get.

  • Watch for permission forms that came home for the field trips on June 21st. The elementary classes are going to the zoo, while the junior and senior high are heading to Heritage Park. We may require some chaperones, so please check with your student’s homeroom teacher for this. Please let Mrs. Massey know if you didn't receive it, as they are due back to school by June 8th

  • With exams coming up (June 16-26) we want to remind students and families that once they are complete in the morning, students are welcome to leave the school. While we will have designated study hall spaces available, we recognize students may find it easier to prepare at home. Please be sure to make the proper arrangements for them to go by notifying their teachers the days they will be leaving early.

  • Hot Lunch reminder - deadline to order online is Monday, May 29th

  • No PEG meeting on June 13th

  • Patching Workshop 6:30 pm June 1st

Next week I have the opportunity to go to Texas to celebrate my niece’s wedding.  I will not be at school on Wednesday or Thursday, so there will not be a weekly wrap up next week. Please refer to the calendar for all the events that are happening in two weeks (it is a busy week!). We have our Spring concert (June 6th), Grad chapel (June 7th), 3/4 science sleepover (June 8th), Grad (June 9th) and golf tournament (June 10th), all in one week.

Again, I want to express my deep appreciation for all the support we receive at Brant, whether physical help, words of encouragement or prayer. We are grateful for all these things and love our families for doing such a great job in supporting us. May His grace and peace be with you all.

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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