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Performing Arts Presentation

"The Selfish Giant"

Hello Parents;

If you were not able to attend our spring Performing Arts Gala on Thursday night, you missed out on a very special performance. Thank you to all the parents, relatives and friends who were there. It is always exciting to see the gym filled with people. I want to congratulate Mrs. Brunning, Mrs. Fisk and Miss Wolfe for their excellent work. Having our praise teams start the evening was a wonderful way to greet our guests. The choice of songs was well done. To Mrs Fisk, I am still amazed at how well our band students performed. I realize it takes a great deal of dedication and time to reach the level of performance that was shown on Thursday but to play as well as they did made all of us very proud. I am sure the parents were pleasantly surprised as well. Our actors in the play I thought were excellent. They knew their lines and spoke clearly. Thank you to all staff, including our sound and lighting crew who do not receive enough gratitude but put in a great deal of work behind the scenes.

Unfortunately Mrs. Fisk will not be back next year as she will be at home with her new born. We do have a band teacher ready come September. Brian Rodgers has been the band instructor at County Central High School for a number of years and will now be helping us out with our program. I look forward to having Brian share his expertise with us and to keep our music program growing.

The rain this weekend has been a blessing. What an answer to prayer after having such a dry winter and early spring. On Saturday our school float was in the Little Britches Parade. There were 12 students who came out to be ambassadors for our school and hand out candy along the parade route. Thank you to Dave and Stacey for pulling our float with Dave's antique tractor. The exposure that our "little school house" float provides for Brant Christian is very important in making people aware of who we are.

Although Tuesday is a day off for students, as teachers we will be at school making plans for next year. This is the time when we set out spiritual theme, start to plan activities and set new school goals. Registrations for next year continue to trickle in. If you know of someone who is planning on attending Brant next year, please ask them to get their registrations in as soon as possible as this helps in our planning for 2016/17.

This coming Thursday is the junior high track meet. We will be leaving the school by 8:30 AM for a very busy day in Vulcan. Parents are welcome to join us on the bus ride over or you are welcome to meet us there. Our return time is a question mark and we may not make it back in time for students to catch their regular bus ride home. On Wednesday I will have students make arrangements to get rides home after the track meet. Please contact me if you have any questions

The main event of the week is our grade 12 graduation that will take place on Saturday, May 28. This in some ways is a sad event as a teacher. We are happy to see our students graduate and move on in life but sad to seem them leave our school. We have two boys graduating this year and both have been with us since kindergarten. During this time they have contributed in so many ways to Brant Christian. Their commitment, dedication and leadership will be missed. We wish them all the best. Their parents need to be recognized as well. I am sure there were many times when their sons wanted to transfer to another school. Thank you to the Massey's and Nash's for your commitment. We hope the lessons learned at Brant Christian by your sons will last them a life time.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

Spring Performing Arts Showcase-May 2016

Special thanks to our Praise Teams, Grade 5-12 band, Kindergarten Class, Grades 1-4 Choir and the cast and crew of "The Selfish Giant" for two wonderful performances on May 18 and 19!

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