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Hello Parents;

Watching the weather events of this past week and seeing the devastation in North and South Carolina and the Philippines, I am sure brings back a lot of memories of the flood that so many people suffered through in High River a few ago. It should also remind us as Christians how important prayer can be. Praying is an act of worship, so when we come before God we are asking for His strength, guidance and determination to see us through the trial and to help others in their struggles. Too often we think that prayer should result in some divine intervention. That by praying to God the rain will suddenly stop. If prayer is an act of worship then we come before God acknowledging that He is creator and sustainer and that the intervention we need is us and how we will deal with the trial that we face. Coming to God in prayer is our first step in seeking help from God and relying on His power to equip us for whatever our circumstances are. God calls us to be faithful. Our prayers can strengthen our resolve to see the task through.

For this coming week we will have our student council vote. Thank you to the high school students who are running for office and for the junior high and upper elementary students are seeking to be their class' representative on student council. Our senior girls played in their first volleyball tournament of the season. It is encouraging to see their improvement and their performance as a team. Thank you to Chrissie Nauta for her commitment to the team and taking on the role of coach. Our senior boys will take to the courts this coming weekend in Black Diamond with their first tournament. Both of our junior high teams will see action soon. Their first tournament will take place in Vulcan on Sept. 28/29.

We had planned to have an all-school field trip to the Calgary Corn Maze this past Friday but the poor weather conditions forced us to cancel the event. It was a disappointment for the students and teachers as this has become an annual event to start the school year. For students in grades 3 - 9, we will be off to a cross-country meet at the Southern Alberta Bible Camp on Monday, Sept. 24. Permission forms went home last week. Please make sure that if you have a son/daughter competing in this event that the forms come back as quickly as possible.

Please continue to pray for our school. Pray that our leaders will stay strong, that God will continue to open doors for our future move to the Foothills School Division and pray for His protection over our school.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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