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Quiet Week

With many of our high school students writing semester final exams, life at Brant Christian has been very quiet this past week. We did finish the day on Friday with a family group celebration tied around a Robbie Burns Day theme. Students were encouraged to wear something plaid for the day and we had a quick curling bonspiel on our skating rink. A tug of war followed the curling and what would a Robbie Burns Day be without haggis! Some of our students were actually brave enough to eat some of the haggis, not a lot of haggis, just a bit. It was a fun way to end to week. Thank you to our student's council, Mr. Kroeker and Mr. Chisholm for their work in putting the activity together.

Our new school vision planning meeting last Thursday went very well. The contractor, Eagle Builders, were present and provided us with some good direction. A vision committee was also struck. Their responsibility is to look at new schools or schools that have been recently renovated and to report back about their findings and to see what ideas we might want to incorporate into our new school. 

We have chapel this coming Wednesday. Jack Knight, chaplain for the Calgary Flames and Calgary Stampeders will be on hand with the Grey Cup. Jack will be speaking in chapel about his role and how he sees God working in the lives of the athletes that he associates with. Chapel will start at 2:15. Parents and visitors are always welcome to attend.

The senior high curling team was eliminated from any further play for this year. They were vying for a spot at the zone bonspiel but were unable to get past Picture Butte High in order to advance. Thank you to the coaches Miss Wolfe and Mr. Doerksen for their work with the team. Our next high school sport will be badminton which will get underway in February.

We continue to praise God for his provision for Brant Christian School. We are grateful for the support of our families and their willingness to help out whenever we call on them. It is a pleasure to teach the students we have at our school. Their attitude and behavior is a positive reflection on the efforts of their parents to bring up their children to honour God.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

Robbie Burns Day Jan 25, 2019

A fun Scottish holiday, celebrating poet Robbie Burns, who was born on January 25, 1759.  He is most famously known for his work, Auld Lang Syne. No Robbie Burns Day would be complete without plaid, a few men in kilts and the traditional Scottish dish, haggis! 

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