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Registration reminder

Hello Parents;

I trust that your Easter holiday was a relaxing one for those who were able to take time off. It was good to be back at school and hear the stories of the students as to what took place while they were away. My calendar says mid April but looking around school, it looks more like January. Our skating rink is filled with snow. I am contemplating leaving the water in as having a swimming pool at Brant for the month of June! I had to have a road grader come in and clean out the parking lot last weekend prior to school starting on Monday. I like how one person phrased our weather, "it's like Narnia, always winter, never Christmas!"

Prior to the Easter break, registration forms were sent home to you for the next school year (2018/19) If you have not completed the forms would you please do so as soon as possible. The numbers of teachers we will have at Brant Christian next year is always tied into our student enrollment.

On Friday we had a dress up day for staff and students. This was organized by our student's council. The theme was character day and students were encouraged to dress up as any character. It was good to see so many students get into the activity and there were some very creative costumes. Every Friday that we have school, we start the day off with students in their family groups and our high school students leading the devotion time. Being a K - 12 school allows for so many special activities that you cannot get with a school divided by age groups. We are very grateful for our high school students. They are excellent leaders and fantastic role models. The day ended with a snowman (or should I say snowperson) building contest. The goal was to see which family group could build the tallest snowman.

Events for the week of April 16 - 19 include chapel on Wednesday. This will be a shortened chapel with our grade 1 - 4 being in chapel from 12:30 - 1:15 and the grade 5 -12 students having chapel from 1:15 - 2:00. Our older students will be listening to John Voort speak to them. He represents Compassion Canada and he will be here to explain what the organization does and how students can get involved if they want to.

On Wednesday afternoon our junior high badminton players will be off to Fort Macleod to participate in a regional badminton tournament. Athletes who finish 1st or 2nd in their division will advance to a zone tournament in Medicine Hat. Our high school will be competing on Thursday in Vulcan. If they can finish 1st or 2nd, their zone tournament will take place in Lethbridge. Our track and field season will start in early May.

A reminder that we have changed the Spring Band Concert. It will now take place on Wednesday, May 16 starting at 7:00 PM. This concert includes our choir as well. We will be at the High River Baptist Church.

Our high school trip for will be to the Trinity Western Leadership Center in Ottawa. It is called the Laurentian Center and is within walking distance to Parliament Hill. The trip will run from May 20 - 25 and the cost will be around $1100. I will be hosting an evening meeting in late April - early May.

Please continue to pray for our school and for parents who are thinking about sending their children to Brant Christian. Thank you for your support of our school. Each student at Brant helps to strengthen Christian Education for now and in the future.

Kevin Bailey

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