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Registration Time

Hello Parents;

Now that March is here it is time to begin our registration process for the school year 2019/20. You will be receiving information soon on how to register. Our prices have stayed the same from last year but we will be asking you to register on-line and you will be given instructions on how to do this. The one thing that would help us the most is that as soon as you receive your registration package, would you complete it as quickly as possible. Knowing our school enrollment really helps us in planning for the upcoming year.

The big news at school is that our new video, showcasing Brant and its students, is now finished. We will install it on our website this week. Various Brant Christian families will start making presentations in their churches during the month of March or in early April explaining why they send their children to our school and what the benefits are of Christian education. Our open house is scheduled for March 28 from 1:00 - 8:00 PM. We would love to have some of our parents act as hosts. If you have some time on that day and would like to meet some new families; please contact the school and let Cathy know what time you would be able to host. It is important to point out that our video production was done by Tim Korthuis who is a Brant Christian parent, a pastor at Okotoks Alliance and our school choir director. Thank you Tim for your time and expertise in producing our video.

The annual school ski day will take place this Friday, March 8 at Nakiska. We will have 70 students and parents in attendance that day. Thank you to Mr. Doerksen who does all the leg work in the organization.  The day is a fun event and it is great to see so many people you know in the main lodge. It is difficult to recognize them on the hill with goggles and helmets on!

Our basketball team will close out their season this Wednesday with a tournament in Arrowwood. The curling team will be wrapping up their play as well. Our next activity for junior and senior high players will be badminton. Practice times and location will be announced this coming week and I will post them on this site next Sunday.

We are encouraged by the number of new families who have contacted us already inquiring about registering their children for next year. Our best advertisement in promoting our school is you, our parents. What you say about our school goes a long way in attracting new families. Please take advantage of our March open house to invite friends to come out and visit.

The new school continues to move ahead. Our planning team has had several meetings with the Foothills School Division. The vision team has been busy visiting new schools in Southern Alberta getting a feel for what is out there for new designs and reporting back to our board. Continue to pray for the men and women who sit on our board and for the parent volunteers who make up the fund raising team, vision team and building committee. They are putting in a lot of volunteer time for our benefit. Please keep them in prayer as we continue to head down a very exciting, God lead path.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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