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Remembrance Day Chapel

Hello Parents;

Last night was the annual Brant Christian School auction. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported our school. We had many generous donors and bidders and your generousity will go a long way in covering costs at Brant Christian. It is so important, that if we are going to remain a strong school we need the support of both our past and present parents. We cannot take Christian education for granted and assume that because the school is running well we do not need to support it whenever we can. The people who came out last night, whether as workers or as a guest, showed their support of our school. It is a result of events like last night that our school remains a vibrant, connected, and committed place of Christian education for our children. For everyone who was part of the auction committee, thank you for your hours of hard work. I appreciate your commitment to Brant Christian and the values that our school holds so dearly.

Thursday, Nov. 9 will be our Remembrance Day chapel. It gets underway at 2:15 and all parents and guests are welcome to attend. Our choir will be performing at this chapel.

A reminder that there is no school next Monday, November. 13. This is a PD day for teachers. That same week on Thursday, November 16 is our Annual General Meeting. It is being held at the Full Gospel Church in High River. The meeting will start at 7 PM. It is very important that at least one parent from each family be in attendance.

Report cards will come out on Monday, November 20 signalling the end of the first trimester of the school year. Parent/teacher interviews will take place on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon/evening Nov. 22 and 23. There will be an early dismissal on Nov. 23 at 2:15 to allow for p/t interviews to start that day at 2:30.

Thank you again for your support of our school. Whether through prayer, finances or volunteer work, your efforts are vital in maintaining our school and allowing it to grow.

Kevin Bailey

21st Annual Dinner and Auction

Thank you to each person who helped make our fundraiser a success!  What a wonderful evening!

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