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Report Cards and Interviews

Hello Parents;

Our first term is now over and reports cards will be going home with the students on Monday, Nov. 23. Parent/Teacher interviews will take place this week on Wednesday, 4:00 - 8:00 and on Thursday 2:30 - 8:00. You can book your appointment by calling the school and talking with Cathy. We are looking forward to meeting with you and discussing the progress of your children.

While attending the interviews, here are some things to look for. Our grad students will be having a bake sale to raise funds for their graduation, our society board will be manning a table to discuss options about purchasing land for building a new school on. And of course we will also have a lost and found table for all the items that have gone missing from your home over the last year.

By my table you will see videos playing. Please stop by and take a look. Brant Christian has signed up with a company called Right Now Video. I would love to show you what is available with this company. As a Brant Christian family, you can have free access to these videos as well. We will be sending information home regarding how you can sign up for this access.

Next Monday, November 30, we will begin to celebrate the Christmas season by lighting our first Advent candle. I realize that thought might cause a little panic for some of you, but Christmas is that close. If you are like me, this Fall has been a bit of a daze with all of the restrictions but time presses on. As the saying goes, Days are long, years are short. Our prayer is that you and your family are healthy. Thank you for how careful you have been in protecting your children from exposure to Covid. We have been blessed to operate our school for 3 months without any coming down with the virus.

Thank you,


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