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Report Cards Term 2

Hello Parents;

Now that we have moved our clocks ahead to daylight savings time, I am enjoying the extra hour of evening light. If only our weather would follow the calendar. It is always exciting awaiting the arrival of Spring and the changes that will bring. Speaking of Spring; our high school students will begin selling hanging baskets of flowers by next week. You pre-order from our students and the flower baskets arrive in late May. These are gorgeous plants and can add so much colour to the outside of your house. The money raised by the students go to help cover some of their cost for our trip to Mexico next January when we head to Tijuana to build homes for families in need of shelter. If you would like to order some hanging baskets contact the school and we will put you in touch with one of our students.

Our teaching staff have been busy getting marks on report cards so you have an idea how well your children have done since November. Report cards will be going out on Monday, March 18 and parent/teacher interviews taking place on Wednesday/Thursday of that week. You can book meeting times online for the teachers you would like to speak with. If you have questions as to how this works, contact the school and speak with Cathy and she can help you with the process.

This week's chapel will have the director from Blue Bronna speaking to our students. Blue Bronna is a camp located off of Highway 22 south of Longview. It is a Christian camp that specialized in wilderness camping. If you would like to come and listen to the presentation and join us for chapel, we will get underway at 9:15 AM in the gym.

Our parent presentations promoting Brant Christian got underway this Sunday. The Lempriere family was presenting at the Church of Christ in Nanton and Lois and Marty Ritz were speaking at the High River Baptist Church. The purpose of the presentations is to make more people aware of Brant Christian and the importance of Christian education. Our goal this year is to have our student population exceed 140. We are encouraging our school families to talk to as many people as possible about the advantages of having our children sit under the influence of Christian teachers. 

Curling and basketball wrapped up their seasons last week. Badminton gets underway this Monday at the recreation center in High River. Practice runs from 4:30 - 6:00. Home school students are always welcome to join us. Please contact the school to let us know that you are coming. Badminton is open to students in grades 7 - 12. 

On Tuesday of last week our school board met with local pastors at the Full Gospel Church for a breakfast and the opportunity to sit and talk. We share the same mission of bringing people to Christ and the more we can work together, the more successful we will be.

Our annual open house will take place on March 28 from 1:00 - 8:00 PM. We will need volunteers to help during this time. If you are available that day and can spare a couple of hours we would appreciate you coming out and acting as hosts. If you are able to assist, please contact Cathy and let her know what times will work for you.

Continue to keep our school in your prayers. We have been very blessed but there is still four months left in this year. Pray for our school board and they continue to lay down the groundwork for our new location near High River.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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