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Report Cards

Hello Parents;

There are a few important reminders that I want you to be aware of. This Monday, March 19, the second term report cards will be sent home with students. These report cards cover work completed by students from the 3rd week of November to March 9. Parent-teacher interviews will take place on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. (March 21/22) You will need to book your interview times by contacting Cathy at school or going on line to reserve your times. As teachers, we look forward to the opportunity to meet with you.

Our open house last week for next year's kindergarten class went very well. The projected enrollment for next year's class will be 12. We can only take in 15 students, so if you know of someone who is thinking of Brant Christian for kindergarten please have them submit an application as soon as possible.

The open house for grades 1 - 12 will take place next Wednesday, March 28 from 4:00 - 8:00 PM. We would love to have some parents join us to act as hosts. If you can help out for an hour or for the whole evening, please contact Cathy at school. The evening is a drop in event where we show visitors around the school and answer any questions they might have. There is no formal presentation. As a host, your role is really that of a guide and to introduce them to Brant Christian and what are values are.

On Wednesday of last week our society board hosted a breakfast for pastors from churches in High River and Okotoks. The intent of the breakfast is to build relationships with our churches so that we can work in partnership to strengthen the teaching of our children in Biblical principals. Thank you to the board members and pastors who were able to be in attendance.

Last Friday brought about another school closure. These days are frustrating for me as we lose a day of instruction. I did drive out to Brant in the morning and the conditions were very poor. The fog had the visibility down to 20 meters and there were several large trucks off to the side of the road because of limited vision. I know as parents it can be difficult for these last minute closures especially if both parents are working and your children are too young to stay on their own. Hopefully this will be the last one for this year and for a few years to come. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

We have now started our next interscholastic sport, badminton. We offer teams for students in grades 7 -12. Competition will get underway in mid April. Until then it is practice, practice, practice!

We had to postpone last week's chapel because Mrs. Brunning was not well. Our prayer is that Mrs. Brunning will be able to rejoin us this week. Chapel is scheduled for this Wednesday starting at 1:15. I know that some of our high school students will be talking about their recent mission trip and the impact that had on their lives. Our Easter chapel will take place on Wednesday, March 28. All chapels are always open to anyone who would like to join us.

Thank you for your continued prayers for our school. We are blessed to be able to have Christian education and my prayer is that we never take this blessing for granted.

Kevin Bailey

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