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Robbie Burns Day

Hello to all our Brant families! We are ending another full week for our students, and though we are not all used to having 5 days weeks this often, the students have done an excellent job pushing through! We were helped in that today, by the activities we did for Plaid Day/Robbie Burns Day. The students were excited to participate in the relay activities, caber toss (throwing a large pole) and even a chance to eat some haggis! Yum!? (Thank you to Mr. Chisholm (our resident Scot) for leading the fun!)

We have seen a lot of warm days which has made our playground area very slippery. We have been working to add sand to those places that we can, but we are grateful the students have been employing caution in their activities. We want to remind parents to ensure students come properly dressed, even if the days seem warmer. This allows them to play safely and to participate on the rink, as we require students to have gloves in addition to helmets and skates when skating.

A few reminders:

  • Even though next week is exam week for our high schoolers, it is regular classes for K-9. All junior high students should plan on being at school for their classes.

  • January 31, is the last day to indicate whether your student is going on the Vancouver mission trip or not. Please also ensure that you have at least $700 in your student’s account as well on this day if they plan on going.

  • Next week is a 4 day week, with staff engaging in PD activities on both the 27th and the 30th. This means Monday the 30th is a non-school day for students.

  • Hot lunch orders for February are live and can be paid using School Cash online.

There has been considerable discussion around the change in dress code. With this in mind, the board is planning a session during the Parent Engagement Group time to discuss how we are moving forward as a community. For now, the current dress code being enforced is the one on the website at: You can find it on page 9 of the document. Please watch for the board's announcement of this session if you wish to participate in the discussion, or simply to keep our leadership in your prayers as we seek God’s direction for the final decision.

I wish you all a blessing of God's peace and joy this weekend.

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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