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Robbie Burns Day Fun

It was wonderful to see all our students finally getting the chance to enjoy our skating rink. It is such a blessing to enjoy four full seasons in this part of the world, although it seems like winter is not sure if it is supposed to be cold or not with the forecast calling for +10C this coming week. Let’s pray the rink will hold out.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Thank you to all the parents who attended this past week’s Annual General Meeting. Seeing so many parents gives evidence to your commitment to Christian education at Brant. Just want to express my gratitude to all the work the Brant Society Board has done and continues to do to ensure we are strong and staying true to our vision.

Open House
I just wanted to let you know Brant Christian School’s annual Open House will take place Thursday, Feb. 29th from 3-7 pm. Please let your friends, family and neighbours know this will be a great opportunity to tour around the school if they are interested in enrolling their children at Brant. If you would like to help at the open house with baking, serving refreshments or to help with hosting, please put in your name on the link:

Robbie Burns Day Games
It was with great gusto that our wee lassies and laddies participated in the Highland Games on Robbie Burns Day (January 25) as our family group activity. We hope to get photos up on the Brant Facebook page where you’ll see our wee ones straining toward victory in traditional and not-so-traditional versions of the caber toss, rubber boot toss, sled relay and the tug-o-war. And what more fitting way to end the games with a smile than a wee bit o’ haggis and some butterscotch candies. I don’t know which one is sweeter to the taste!

Hot Lunch Speaking of delicious, just a reminder that hot lunches take place every Thursday. Hot lunches rotate between hot dogs, taco in a bag, pizza, hamburgers and pulled pork sandwiches. February orders are available on only until Monday, Jan. 29th if you would like to order for your child(ren).

Annual Ski/Snowboard Trip 
Brant’s annual ski trip to Nakiska this year will take place on Friday, March 8 . Information has been sent home outlining the various costs and stipulations. If you are parents of children K - 3, please read over the information you receive carefully as there have been policy changes from the district that you will have to be aware of. If you plan on bringing your kindergarten child, please contact our admin assistant Cathy Massey for more information. The deadline for returning forms is Thursday, February 8 . It will be nice to get out on the slopes!

Parent Volunteer Opportunities
As we continue to grow in student population, the Parent Engagement Group is asking for parent volunteers for the following roles to help better support our teachers and students:

K-6 (Tuesday and Thursday mornings)
- Classroom assistance: To be able to help with language arts and/or math skills in small group settings
- Administrative tasks (e.g. laminating, preparing materials, …etc.)

Gr. 7 - 12
- Math tutoring at noon hours (twice a week)

K - 12 Playground and Lunch Hour Supervision
Our breaks take place at 10-10:15, 11:45-12:15 and 2:00-2:15. Helping with supervision is such a blessing for staff and students as it helps teachers provide students with extra help for concepts they may struggle with, helps students complete tests or assignments they may need to catch up on because of absences. 

If you’d like to help in any of these capacities, please sign up at: . We hope to get in contact with you as needs arise. Thanks so much!

Prayer Team at BCS
"Regarding a Prayer Team at BCS - After some discussion and back-and-forth with teachers, PEG meeting, etc, we have decided to try two things: There will be a time of prayer for BCS following each month's PEG meeting and there will be a bi-weekly prayer email sent out with prayer requests and answered prayer reports. We invite you to be part of the prayer time at PEG! Also, if you would like to be on the prayer email list, please email and you will be added. Please reach out to other Brant families and let them know about this opportunity!"

Write-On Bulletin Board 
Parents, want to brag on/encourage your kids? We have a way to do that! We have a "Write On" bulletin board at school in the main hallway where our student's achievements can be posted and celebrated! Simply send a note with an article or photo to Cathy Massey who will print it and post it on the board. Simple as that!

Finally, feel free to reach out to me should you have any ideas or concerns, or just want to chat.

Mr. Shain Chisholm, Principal

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