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Hello Parents;

As our second week comes to a close I am always amazed at how quickly routines are established and how much more efficient we become once we have our routines. The students have adjusted well to being back in the classroom. The bad weather forced us to have a couple of days of indoor recess and that impacts the students and their ability to concentrate. At their age, they just have to move. I welcome the sunshine back and for warmer temperature snext week.

Our student council nominations will start next week. We are collecting the names of various students interested in running for one of the four main offices. Classroom reps will be chosen next week as well. It is our hope to hold the election next week Friday. We have special activities planned for the afternoon. The students will be divided up into the various school families. The activities will be centered around our school theme, "Unsung heroes of the Bible." This month we are looking at Joshua, Caleb and Rachel.

Our cross country running team, which consists of 22 runners, will be competing at Southern Alberta Bible College on Sept. 22. I will keep you posted on how our athletes do in the event. The junior volleyball team will be starting up within the next two weeks.

I will leave you with a quote that I had posted earlier in the week for our students. I wish you and your family a blessed weekend and safety in all that you do. A reminder that there are no classes on Monday as the teachers will be in Vulcan working in various collaboration groups and areas effecting how our students learn and how best to maximize their potential.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

Sow a thought, reap and action

Sow an action, reap a habit.

Sow a habit, reap a lifestyle.

Sow a lifestyle, reap a destiny









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