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Samaritan's Purse

Hello Parents;

The highlight for the week at Brant Christian was our annual trip to Samaritan's Purse to help with their shoebox campaign. The Canadian office for western Canada is located in Calgary. Each year Mr. Doerksen organizes a trip for students in grades 9 - 12 to travel to their warehouse in NE Calgary to help inspect shoeboxes prior to them being shipped to their final destination. Our students spend 2 hours on the floor going through 100's of shoeboxes. It is a fun time and a reminder to us how special these gifts are to the children who receive them. This year we toured of a new addition to the SP warehouse. The addition houses all of the disaster relief work that Samaritan's Purse does. They are an amazing organization and have a very impactful way of sharing the the gospel message to people in need by providing them lifesaving help.

The High River Santa Claus parade was on Friday night and our school float was present and made it's way through the parade route. Hopefully you were able to attend and saw our float pass by. Thank you to Chad and Erin Niemans for getting the float ready for us. They had it decorated for Christmas and Chad was pulling the float with his father's 1950 John Deere tractor. Thank you to the students who showed up to either ride in the float or to hand out candy to the children lining the parade route. It was a very fun evening and another opportunity to make people aware of who we are.

This coming week our excitement will be centered on our school play, "A Christmas Carol." There will be two performances; Wednesday at 1:00 and Thursday evening at 7:00. For the Thursday evening performance we will be offering refreshments after the play. If you would like to bring some baking to add to the snacks, we would appreciate it. Miss Wolfe and her cast and crew have been working very hard in preparation for this week. Please come and join us on either of the days.

There are only 8 days left of school until our Christmas break and there is still so much that needs to be done. We are trying to get our Mexico mission trip students focused on what needs to be accomplished prior to their departure. The team is still looking for donors to help in funding the two houses that they will be building while in Mexico. If you are able to assist us financially, please contact the school.

On Thursday afternoon of this week, Phils Hills, the president of the Association of Christian Schools International will be speaking to our grade 11- 12 students. This starts at 2:00 PM and parents are welcome to join us for Phil's presentation. He will be talking on various topics about living a Christian lifestyle in a secular world.

 In our Monday morning assembly we will be lighting the second candle in our Advent wreath, the Bethlehem candle, which represents love. The first candle, which we lit last week, was the prophecy candle which represents hope.

As you and your family continue to make preparation for celebrating Christmas; we pray that you will be filled with joy as we look forward to another Christmas.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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