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School Open

Hello Parents;

It is good to have our first week of school completed. There are many new protocols for students to learn and we are well underway to having a successful year. Thank you to the students for their willingness to follow the directions and wear their face masks, hand sanitize and maintain good distance.

Part of our new protocol is to ask students and staff if they are showing any signs that are Covid related, to get tested and to stay home until they have received their test results and are 3 days clear of any symptoms. Some students may come home and think that students or staff are home with Covid which will unlikely be the case but are at home being safe.

We have been chosen to take part in the Alberta Highway clean-up. We have 2 locations and are in need of volunteers to help us with the event. The clean-up is a fund raising events with our proceeds going towards the building of a home on our next mission trip. The event takes place on Sept. 19 and will run from 9:00 AM to 11:30. This is open to anyone who enjoys walking. If you are able to help our school, please contact the school and leave your name and number.

Our new addition is proving to be a big hit with our high school students. The classrooms are large, spacious and quiet and the extra room is perfect given the health guidelines that we have been asked to follow. Thank you to everyone who helped make these portables become a reality. It is a great blessing to us.

Please remember to keep our school in prayer that we would continue to be safe and that we would continue to attract new students to our school.

Kevin Bailey

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