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Skating Rink Takes Shape

A warm winter greeting to all our Brant families. We have had another good week here in our lead up to Christmas. In addition to the regular class work, students have been involved in many different activities. There is definitely a buzz in the school as we get closer to the break, and it has been so exciting watching the secret Santa presents come into the building in anticipation of the exchange next week.

It has been particularly exciting to see the rink take shape over the last two weeks as well. I wanted to extend a thank you to Mike Jackson and the Blackie Fire Departement, as well as the County of Vulcan for helping us add enough water to get the rink filled. Without great partners like these we simply could not provide skating for our students. Thank you!

A few reminders:

  • Thursday Dec 22nd is pyjama day as well as class party day. Each class will also do their secret Santa exchange.

  • Next week will be very cold, so please ensure your child has warm clothing for their bus ride to and from school. We will decide on those days whether we can do outdoor recess, since the rink will be available to use and we would like to provide that opportunity before the break.

  • Please ensure you have checked the calendar Mrs. Massey sends out for January, to be aware of upcoming events our first week back.

  • Each day before classes next week we will be singing carols as a whole school. If you are dropping off your student, please feel free to join us. It will be a joyful celebration of Jesus to begin each day.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5 

In these days leading up to Christmas, we also approach the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. As we arise in darkness, and see the sun go down shortly after the students arrive home, this reminder from God’s Word is so powerful. Jesus, the Christ, the Light of the World has come at Christmas, and the darkness has fled before Him. May we continue to be a light to the world, drawing all people to the God who saves! Hallelujah and Amen!

There will not be a weekly wrap up next week, so this is my last communication to you all prior to Christmas. I want to wish you all a wonderful Christmas break from Jennifer and I. Please know that we are looking back on 2022 as a time of growth and success for Brant Christian, whether it was a record-breaking Silent Auction, the unprecedented success of our sports teams or the genuine joy that we have seen in our students as they partake in community activities. We are blessed to be a part of the Brant community and we look forward to great anticipation at all God will do in 2023. God bless us all, and Merry Christmas!

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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