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Skills Canada Challenge-the highlight of the week!

Hello to all our wonderful Brant Christian families!

I am fully aware that I often say “eventful week here at Brant”  in my communications to you all, but this was truly an event filled week. First of all, you may have heard that I was absent at the start of the week, but perhaps not have gotten a full explanation of why. I was doing a little work in my garage last Sunday, and in trying to vigorously clean my hair of fibreglass dust, I ended up hitting my eye and tearing the lens. It took several days, but my eye is healing well, and I was very blessed to hear how the students had been praying for me. It truly made me aware of the week of advent that was centred on Hope - as I was waiting on God, hoping for a restoration of my vision, and at the same time hoping that all was running well at the school in my absence.

Upon my return Wednesday, the school was bustling with students eager to create their projects as part of the Skills Canada challenge. Wood was sawn, metal was cut, cloth was sewn all in service of some amazing final products. I was so proud of how engaged the students were, the vision they had for reaching their goal as well as the dedication and care put into making their creations. Despite this being a day-long activity, the students stayed on task and even left the gym in pristine condition when they were done. Thank you so much to all the grade 7, 8 and 9 students, and especially to Mr. Kroeker for making this all possible.

The rink is coming along great due to the hard work of Mr. Doerksen. We are also so grateful to the local fire departments, Vulcan and Blackie, for their willingness to help us flood the rink. Now that temperatures are getting colder, we are excited to have the rink in place!

Student council has planned some fun events for December. Snack shack is running starting Dec 7. Students should bring a toonie to get a treat. Additionally, Ugly Christmas Sweater day is Dec 15th. Wear an ugly sweater, or decorate one with some festive items, to join in the fun. And on the 16th there will be some Secret Santa exchanges, and afternoon fun activities. Watch for the details from your homeroom classes.


  • This is the season when treats start to come to school. Please be vigilant to make sure all treats are nut free. We have students who have severe nut allergies, which is why Brant is a nut free school. Thank you for your care in this

  • Students who ride the bus but are not regular riders cannot take single rides. Families need to purchase a pack of 10 tickets for $100 to allow their student to ride the buses. 

Our parent prayer group was encouraged by the large turnout last week. If you wish to join them they are meeting again on Monday December 6th at 2:30. Contact Susanne Pendree ( if you have any prayer requests or questions.

All the band, string and music students were hard at work this week preparing for their concerts coming up on Sunday and Thursday. We still have some spaces left, so if you are looking for seats, either book using these links (K-4 concerts or the Band concert) or contacting Mrs. Nauta if you have reached your seat limit. Please bring your child off 15 minutes early, take them to the bathroom first, then to the fellowship hall next to the sanctuary. This is where students will be at the end of the evening where they must be signed out before they can leave. As a reminder, High River Baptist Church asks that all visitors wear a mask when in their building. For the sake of the strong relationship we have with HRBC and as good guests, please respect this request by wearing your mask before, during and after the concert. Thank you!

Sunday marks the second week of Advent, symbolized by the Bethlehem Candle for faith. Just as Mary and Joseph travelled in faith, we too walk in faith toward the coming Messiah and the celebration of His birth. I am very excited to be a part of the Christmas season with Brant Christian and look forward to starting the celebrations off with our community on Sunday with my first concert experience. May God bless you all richly in the coming Christmas season.

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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