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Spring Play and Final Concert

Grade 5-12 Band

Hello Parents;

I hope that you have set aside either Wednesday afternoon or Thursday evening this week. Our spring play, "The Selfish Giant" and our Spring concert will be taking place. The matinee performance will begin at 1:00 PM and the Thursday evening event will start at 7:00 PM. Both Mrs. Fisk and Miss Wolfe have been working hard to get their musicians and actors ready. I am confident that it will be an excellent show. I look forward to seeing all of you there at one of the two performances

The first of the Provincial Achievement Tests took place on Thursday morning. Our grade 6 students wrote the first part of a two part Language Arts test. The second part will be written later in June along with their Social Studies, Math and Science exams. Our grade 9 students will be writing their Math and Social tests in June as well.

We have transitioned over to Track and Field from Badminton. There are 8 high school students who will be competing in a track event in Coalhurst this Wednesday. Our junior high athletes will be competing in Vulcan on May 26. In order to move on to a zone meet, our students will have to finish either first or second in their event.

Next weekend is the May long weekend and for everyone in High River, this means the Little Britches Parade and Rodeo. Brant Christian will have our little school house in the parade. Please look for us and give an extra wave as we pass by. I am looking for young students (k-1) to ride in the float and for students grade 6 and up, I need volunteers to walk beside the float and hand out candy. Parents are also welcome to join us if you would like. Please contact me at school if you can help out.

There will be no school on Monday, May 23 as we celebrate Victoria Day and on Tuesday, May 24 as this is a PD day for teachers. This is a day that we use to start making our plans for next year. Hard to believe isn't it! If you ordered hanging baskets back in April, they will be coming in on Wednesday afternoon, May 25. They can be picked up at the Baptist church in High River after 3:30 PM. They will be in the gymnasium. Please use the gym door for access. The plants will be grouped under the name of student who sold the plants. A copy of the order form will also be available in the gym.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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