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Spring Time

Hello Parents;

We enjoyed last week's warm temperatures and the first real sign that spring will be here soon. The transition from winter to spring at Brant Christian can be a messy one as our playground shifts from frozen to mud and water. And of course, what young boy is not drawn to the excitement of mud and water! We will survive this transition as we have done with every other spring time.

With spring comes the focus on registration for next school year 2021/22. I encourage all of our present school families to submit their registrations as soon as possible. Our annual open house is scheduled for March 25 from 4:00 - 8:00 PM. We are looking for parents and some of our older students to act as guides for the families that show up that afternoon. We would like to serve refreshments for our guests and would appreciate any baking that parents would send to school. If you are able to help with the open house, please contact Cathy at school and leave your name with her and what you would like to help with.

We are always excited to have new families join Brant Christian and we try hard to promote our school as much as possible. The best advertising that we can do is when you and your family personally share the benefits of having your children at our school. People value your opinion far more than any flyer, poster or newspaper ad that we could run. I encourage you to talk to at least one family this spring and explain to them the benefits you see in having your children at Brant Christian School.

Spring also means that our students in grades 8 - 12 will be pre-selling hanging baskets of flowers in two weeks. The money they raise will be used to help defray the cost of our next major field trip which will take place next year. If one of our students does not approach you regarding the flowers, please contact the school and we can take your order over the phone. These are large, magnificent hanging baskets of beautiful flowers. I will continue to promote the hanging baskets in the weeks to come.

Report cards come out next Monday, the 15th and parent/teacher interviews will take place on March 17/18. Running both days from 4:00 - 8:00 PM. Contact Cathy at school if you have not booked your appointment times to meet with the teachers.

For me the lengthening days of spring are another sign that our God holds to his promises. The sun, moon and stars are under his control and he can guide our lives as well, if we let him. Continue to keep our school in your prayers, they do help us.

Thank you,


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