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Stop Human Trafficking Fundraiser

Stop Human Trafficking
The grade 10 students will be putting on a fundraiser to raise awareness and funds to stop human trafficking. Each Wednesday starting on April 24, the grade 10s will be selling various treats (e.g. donuts, baking, floats, … etc.) ranging from $1 - $5 with all proceeds going to International Justice Mission (IJM). IJM is a Christian organization dedicated to preventing human trafficking and freeing victims that are caught in this horrific trade. This week Wednesday, April 24, plain brownies are available for $2 each and a brownie with toppings is $4. Thank you for supporting this initiative!

Cell Phone Research 
The link below gives some interesting information on reversing the trend of the rising rates of anxiety among our young people. This research is especially important as families are making decisions around cell phone use. Read on to find out …Four Rules That Could Reverse the Anxiety Epidemic in Teens - Growing Leaders
The Palliser School Division recently invited parents to participate in the following: The Minister of Education is conducting some engagement on cellphone use in schools. You are invited to participate in an online survey about the future of cellphone use in elementary, junior high, and senior high schools. The survey can be accessed at this Survey Link. The survey will be open until May 3, 2024.  

Highway Clean-Up Volunteering
If you want to volunteer for the highway clean up, you can still sign up by contacting Cathy Massey at the school. Having more volunteers makes the job easier … and more fun. If you haven’t submitted your permission form to the office, please do so as soon as possible.

Camp Little Red
Our grade 7-8 students will be heading out to Camp Little Red for their annual camp getaway May 1-3. Please submit permission forms and payment as per the information package sent home as soon as possible. Thank you

***Registration for 2024-25***
At this point, we are not taking any more registrations except for kindergarten. Please encourage any families who are interested in joining BCS to contact the school so they can join our waiting list. Sometimes family plans change and parents may leave Brant from now until September 2024. Families leaving allow families on the waiting list to fill a spot that may have opened up.

Hot Lunch
Hot lunches take place every Thursday. Hot lunches rotate between hot dogs, taco in a bag, pizza, hamburgers and pulled pork sandwiches. Ordering hot lunch for May is now open .

A message from the Prayer Team : At Brant Christian School, we covet the prayers of our parents on behalf of our students, teachers and staff! We would like to encourage parents who normally drive their students to and from school to take a few minutes, either at drop off or pick up, to walk the perimeter of the school yard praying. There is something powerful about "boots on the ground prayer!" We totally understand the challenge of schedule constraints, but perhaps this might be a simple (and powerful!) way to effectively use that time while you are waiting for your children. Thank you! Also, if you are willing to meet for a scheduled time of prayer, please reach out to Helga Lempriere @

In case you hadn't heard, Brant has joined with FlipGive , a free team funding app. We are requesting for our families to join and support our school.You will be supporting Brant with the ongoing school improvement projects. Brant's Flipgive team is not limited to Brant families, but open to friends and extended family. If you haven't already, join our team by clicking the link or entering the code H9J97Z at Brant will get a $5 bonus the first time you shop! Any questions, just ask!

Yearbook 2023-24
If you would like for your child to look back at how “cool” they were at Brant in 2023-24, or have them take a stroll down memory lane 20 years from now, please don’t hesitate to buy a 2023-24 yearbook. Yearbooks must be purchased online at before June in order for us to know the number needed to order from Lifetouch.

Parent Volunteers
As we continue to grow in student population, the Parent Engagement Group is asking for parent volunteers for the following roles to help better support our teachers and students:

K-6 (Tuesday and Thursday mornings)
-Classroom assistance: Help with language arts and/or math skills in small group settings
-Administrative tasks (e.g. laminating, preparing materials, …etc.)

Gr. 7 - 12
-Math tutoring at noon hours (twice a week)

K - 12 Playground and Lunch Hour Supervision
Our breaks take place at 10-10:15, 11:45-12:15 and 2:00-2:15. Helping with supervision is such a blessing for staff and students as it helps teachers provide students with extra help for concepts they may struggle with, helps students complete tests or assignments they may need to catch up on because of absences.

If you’d like to help in any of these capacities, please sign up at:
We hope to get in contact with you as needs arise. Thanks so much!

Write-On Bulletin Board
Parents, want to brag on and encourage your kids? We have a way to do that! We have a "Write On" bulletin board at school in the main hallway where our student's achievements can be posted and celebrated! Simply send a note with an article or photo to Cathy Massey, who will print it and post it on the board. Simple as that!

Feel free to reach out to me should you have any ideas or concerns, or just want to chat.
Mr. Shain Chisholm, Principal

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