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Talent Show

Hello Parents;

Our week ended with a flurry of activities. On Friday afternoon we held our annual talent show contest. I applaud all the students who performed. I appreciate their school spirit and enthusiasm and trust they will come out and compete again next year. Congratulations to Grace Meyer and Ella Cayetano for placing first. They did a fantastic job in their duet. Immediately following that, the student body headed outside for a water fight. Thank you to Mr Doerksen and many of our students for the work they did to get this ready. There were water balloons and several watering areas ready for the battle. It was the perfect afternoon to get wet. I assumed that the principal would be off limits! I will be seeing a lot of students in detention on Monday and get the expectations straightened out!

On Tuesday evening we will be holding our band instrument rental night. Any child taking band next year will need to be there with a parent to have their instrument ordered. I am getting excited about our band program and look forward to band concerts. On Thursday we are holding our annual field day. If you would like to come and volunteer or just come and watch, please contact Cathy. In the afternoon there is a meeting being held in Vulcan where Palliser Trustees are looking for feedback from education stakeholders. This would include parents and students. The meeting will run from 1:00 - 3:00. Please contact me if you would like to join us at this meeting.

On June 2, our students in grade 7- 12 will be taking part in a ball tournament in Carmangay. If you can drive some our students to the event please contact Cathy and let her know how many you can take in your vehicle.

Thank you,


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