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Teacher Convention

Hello Parents;

It was good to see the students back in school on Wednesday and to hear about their weekend adventures as many had travelled to the homes of friends and family. The exciting news of the week was that Mr. Booker has returned. He is looking well and although he does not have all of his energy back, it was good to see him in the hallways of our school.

Volleyball is keeping many of our students active after school. Mr. D's team has 16 students who are participating and play a game at least once a week. Our high school volleyball team has 7 boys and we will be in Okotoks on Tuesday at Holy Trinity Academy and on Friday our grade 5/6 students participated in a large tournament in Vulcan. It is a joy and privilege to be able to participate and represent our school at different venues.

We have 19 high school students who will be travelling to Tijuana for their mission project. We are hoping to hold a garage sale in November to help raise funds for the cost of the home we are building. To build a home in Tijuana and furnish it will cost our students $10,200. We are hoping to have these funds raised by early January. There will be several other fund raising events coming up between now and our departure. We hope that many of you will be able to assist our students in achieving their goal. More details will follow as we finalize the activities.

There is no school this Thursday and Friday as all teaching staff will be attending a teacher's conference in Calgary. Brant Christian is part of the organization called Association of Christian School International. The conference is being sponsored by this organization and as a staff we are looking forward to the keynote speakers and the numerous workshops. It is a great spiritual event for us to listen to the speakers.

Kevin Bailey

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