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The Beauty of Fall

Hello Families of Brant, 

What a wonderful time of year. Our God’s great creativity is in full display as leaves begin to turn beautiful hues of orange, yellow, red and brown. 

Brant Parent Social 
There will be a Brant Parent Social at 7:00 pm on Sunday, October 1st at the High River Alliance Church. This is a great opportunity for parents both new to Brant and those who’ve been part of the Brant community for a few years to meet.  It will be fun to get to know the parents of the friends our kids spend so much time with at school:)  

Our junior and senior teams competed in tournaments in Vulcan, Oilfields, and Three Hills last weekend. Although we did not bring back medals this time, each game showed remarkable improvement. The senior boys and girls will again be off to tournaments this Friday and Saturday with the boys in Three Hills and the girls playing at Oilfields in Diamond Valley.  Go Eagles Go!

Cross Country 
On September 26, we had our Grade 3 - 6 classes participating in the cross country meet at the Southern Alberta Bible College.  Our athletes did tremendously well with the following students winning medals: 

Gold: Cody B. (8yr old boys); Elias K. (9yr old boys); Andrew M. (10yr old boys) 

Silver: Everly T. (7yr old girls); Ava R. (10yr old girls); 

Bronze: Greyson W. (7yr old boys); Olive K. (10yr old girls) 

All our students displayed outstanding sportsmanship with a special shout out to Kiffer D. for exemplary fair play. 

It is to be noted that the junior and senior high school cross country zones will take place on October 11 in Pincher Creek. Students are to sign up with Mr. Chisholm as soon as possible.  Cost is $30 to be paid at

Strings Ensemble
String ensemble led by Mrs. Dees is at lunch time in the band room. Anyone who has a little experience playing a string instrument (violin, viola, cello, string bass), please come! Or if you’re interested in learning one, Mrs. Dees can connect you with a teacher so you can join strings soon!!

Bamfield Field Trip (Grades 9 - 12)
Although the Bamfield Field Trip to Bamfield, BC (Grades 9 - 12) seems far away (April 2-4, 2024), we are asking for deposits of $100 on a first-come, first-served basis to secure students spots.  For those students who would like to go on this trip but need financial assistance, please contact the school office.  Deadline for submitting deposits to secure your spot is Friday, October 13th.  

Volunteer Opportunities
There is still room for parents to volunteer.  Use the link below to sign up for volunteer opportunities:

Orange Shirt Day
In recognition of the legacy of the Canadian Indian residential school system's effect on indigenous peoples in Canada, we are encouraging students to wear an orange shirt to school on Monday, October 2. 

Apple Fundraiser 
Money raised will go towards the building fund.  Orders are due Wednesday, October 4.  Delivery of apples will be Wednesday Oct 18. Please make sure to have your customers write the cheque to you or send you the money and then submit one payment to Brant with your order form. Payments can be made by cheque to Brant Christian School Society, cash or online by etransfer to Please add a comment as to what it is for. There are class and individual prizes for highest apple sales!

Hot Lunch 
October hot lunches are ready to order on  Deadline for ordering is Monday, October 2nd. 

Creation Ministries 
Creation Ministries are coming to Brant on Friday, Nov 17th.  There will be three separate age-specific presentations with Grades 1-4 at 9:15, Grades 5-8 at 10:15 and Grades 9-12 at 12:30.  Parents and community members are invited to attend.   

Finally, feel free to reach out to me should you have any ideas or concerns, or just want to chat.  

May God bless you as you seek His face, 
Mr. Shain Chisholm, Principal

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