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Track and Field Season

Good afternoon on this gloriously sunny, God-filled day:) There is lots going on this week again.

Track and Field
This year's Elementary Track and Field took place yesterday at Vulcan Prairieview School on Wednesday, June 5. Our young athletes did extremely well and fun was had by all. Thanks again to our PE 20/30 students who volunteered at the different events. Congrats goes out to our junior high track and field competitors who qualified for zones in Lethbridge this past week. Despite the gale-force winds, many of our athletes achieved personal bests.

Staff Announcement
Just a note to let families know that Mrs. Erin Niemans, our kindergarten teacher, will not be back next school year. She is taking a leave of absence for 2024-25. We will definitely miss her dearly, but we wish her well in her year away from Brant.

School Events (June 10 - 14)
Next week is a busy week with the following scheduled activities:
Tuesday, June 11 - Jersey Day: Wear your favourite team jersey
Tuesday, June 11 - Round 2 - Students treat sales for charity
Wednesday, June 12 - Snack Shack
Thursday, June 13 - Hat Day
Friday, June 14 - School-wide water fight. Bring your favorite water gun and prepare for battle. Students are advised to wear dark colours to the water fight and also bring an extra set of clothing to change into afterwards.

School Cash Fees
Parents, please check your accounts at . If the Technology Fee is
still on your child(ren)'s account it means that it has not been paid yet. This fee is a mandatory Palliser School Division fee for gr. 1-12 and therefore must be paid before the end of this school year which is Wednesday, June 26th. Please contact the school office if you have any questions regarding other fees that you may see on your account. Optional fees that do not apply to your child will disappear at the end of the school year. Thank you for making every effort to pay the necessary fees that are on school cash before this time.

Last Day of Regular Classes (7-12)
The last day of regular classes for grades 7 - 12 will be Friday, June 14. You are reminded to fill out the form below to indicate if you student is staying at school after exams or not. If your student is going home, please indicate on the form who they will be going home with. Thank you. Link to form:

June Exam Schedule
We are heading into Provincial Achievement Tests (PAT), Diploma and final exams for our Grade 6 - 12s. I’ve attached a schedule to help our students better prepare for exams.

Final Exam Schedule June 2024 (bottom of June calendar)

Golf Tournament Fundraiser
Just a reminder that our annual golf tournament fundraiser will take place at Nanton Golf Course on Saturday, June 8. There will be prizes, crazy costumes and most importantly, fun had by all. Let us know if there's any other information you need from us…. FORE!!!

***Registration for 2024-25***
At this point, there is limited space available for the 2024-25 school year. Please encourage any families who are interested in joining BCS to contact the school, to inquire about the availability of space for next year so they can join our waiting list . Sometimes family plans change and parents may leave Brant from now until September 2024. Families leaving allow families on the waiting list to fill a spot that may have opened up. A reminder that the remainder of Program Fees need to be paid by 

Write-On Bulletin Board
Our grad class is currently featured on the Write-On Bulletin Board.  Come check it out!

Feel free to reach out to me should you have any ideas or concerns, or just want to chat.
Mr. Shain Chisholm, Principal

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