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trusting 361

Hello Parents;

The title of this entry is the starting address for the blog site for what our students are doing in Mexico. The full address is: If you type that into your search bar, it will take you to a page where there are dozens of photos of the building sites and write ups of the daily activities. This site will stay live until Tuesday night, Feb. 4. After months of planning it is exciting to see so many of our Brant Christian students in Mexico serving God in this unique adventure. Today will be the highlight of the building part of the trip as each group will turn the keys of the house over to the families. It is a very emotional time for everyone, for both the givers and receivers. A moment in time that will be remembered for a lifetime. Thank you again for your prayers and financial support. It is great to see if come to fruition.

It will be a quiet week at school with so many students away. Our high school students bring so much life to our building. They return to Calgary this Wednesday night. The next chapel is a week from Wednesday, February 12, and we will have several of the students speaking about their experiences while in Mexico. The worship portion of chapel will start at 2:15 that afternoon with the students speaking starting around 2:45. Everyone is always welcome to attend our chapel services.

Monday is the start of the second half of this school year. Some of our high school students will be starting some new courses, some will be changing option classes but for the most part, students will carry on doing what they were doing last week. As we continue to grow, we will have more and more students on the semester system where this time of the year will bring about more changes in subjects being studied.

One of the biggest problems we face at Brant Christian is being able to offer our students options courses. Mainly because we do not have the teaching staff to teach the core subjects and still offer a wide selection of secondary courses. As a parent, if you are able to teach a second language, guitar, skilled in a trade or a craft and would like share your expertise with our students, please get in touch with me. I am sure that we could work out an arrangement that would fit your schedule.

Thank you again for all who made this year's Mexico mission trip a success. Your prayers and financial support were vital in getting this venture off the ground. This trip will touch the hearts of everyone who was able to attend. The students will be in our local churches over the next few weeks talking about the impact this trip had on their lives.

Thank you,


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