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Ukulele band

Hello Parents;

I know that we are well into the new year but Happy New Year to you. As a staff we wish you and your family all the best in 2019. We are excited about the growth and changes that God has planned for Brant Christian School.

One of the changes is that Mrs. Nauta, our elementary music teacher, has agreed to teach our students in grade 1 - 4 how to play the ukulele. She is a very brave lady. Learning to play an instrument at a young age is very beneficial for the students as it improves their concentration and memory skills. Besides, it sounds better than a recorder. A letter was sent home to Brant Christian families asking for anyone who was interested and able to make a financial donation to the purchase of a class set of ukuleles. Read a copy HERE. If you have planned on doing this, please notify the school by Wednesday, January 16.

January is a stressful month for our high school students who are completing semester courses. Especially our grade 12 students as they have to write their first provincial exam of the year. Please keep our students in your prayers.

Basketball and curling are the extra-curricular activities that are available for our students. We are still early into the season so there is very little to report at this time. As a reminder, we always welcome home school students to join us for our sports team. If you are reading this and have a son/daughter who would like to join Brant to play a sport, please contact the school. We would love to have them.

Each year Alberta Education sends out a survey to all Brant parents called an, "Accountability Pillar." We encourage all of our parents to answer the questions and let the government know how much we appreciate having access to our Christian school. One of the society board members will likely be contacting you in the coming weeks to remind you of the importance of answering this survey.

I have mentioned in the past the slogan, "Brant 140." It is our stated goal, that for next year, we want to have a student enrollment of at least 140. Personally I believe our student count will actually be higher. Starting in March there will be different families making presentations in their churches as to why they believe Christian schooling is so important. It is our hope that as we continue to promote the value of strengthening the faith of our children that more people will come to see the value of having access to a Christian school. We are developing new brochures that current Brant families will be able to share with friends who have school age children who would thrive in a Christian school environment.

We are excited about 2019! Please continue to pray for our staff, our board and our school as we hold onto the promises of God.

Thank you,

Kevin Bailey

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