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Volleyball Teams in Action!

Hello to all our wonderful Brant families! We have finished another week filled with amazing achievements by our hardworking students. Whether it was our kindergartens heading to the fire station, the grade 9 class sitting with our 1/2 class to color or read with them, or one of the many volleyball teams competing, there was so much going on. One of the things that was fun to see this week was the students in each class, working with our Silent Auction volunteer to create works of art to display and purchase for November 5th. 

A few reminders:

  • We want to remind families that Brant is a nut-free school. We have several students with severe allergies to nuts, and as such request that snacks and meals be nut free. This is especially important as more students will be bringing candy to school in the coming days. Thank you!

  • Apple orders will be delivered and ready for pick up between 10:30 and noon on Tuesday October 25th at the High River Baptist Church on. 

  • School picture retakes are happening on Thursday October 27th. School picture proofs will be coming home on Monday next week.

  • If you haven’t purchased your tickets for the Silent Auction yet, we encourage you to contact the committee at

It was a huge blessing for our staff to attend the Association of Christian Schools International conference on Friday. We attended group sessions on Biblical integration in the classroom, roundtables where we met with other Christian teachers in our grade levels to discuss issues of common concern, as well as share ideas on how to improve our schools. It was a great example of the Body of Christ coming together to support each other in our common goal of providing a strong Christ focused education for our students. We are all very excited to be able to bring what we learned back to our classrooms!

As the weekend begins, may you know God’s presence and power, may you be filled with His hope and peace, and may you be blessed by His sabbath rest. Amen.

Quinn Barreth, Principal

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