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Welcome back

Hello Parents;

After our first week back from the Christmas break, I can say that the students are back in the swing of school life. We started Monday morning by looking at a new unsung hero of the faith by looking at King Josiah who came to the throne at the age of 8. Even though his father and grandfather served foreign gods, Josiah decided to serve the Lord. We will spend the month of January looking at the life of Josiah and encouraging our students to understand that being young should not stop them from standing up and serving God.

After being almost wiped out from a pre-Christmas chinook, our skating rink is back up and running. I think we cleaned the rink off every day of last week. Thank you to Art Currie and Cam Massey who help by adding water to the rink over the holidays. We plan to have a family skating party in February. Details will follow in up-coming posts. Please feel free to come out and use the rink anytime.

For our grade 12 students, this coming week is the start of diploma exams. Please keep these students in prayer as final exams from the government count for 50% of their grade. These exams can cause a lot of stress for students.

Our students in grade 9 - 12 have the option of taking part in a spring trip to Ottawa. This will depend on the number of students who are interested in going. At Brant we are hoping to have one large trip each year that will either be a mission trip or an education based trip. More information on these trips will be sent out to parents as we finalize details.

Thank you,


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